Here is a list of estimated costs for our carpentry works. For other renovation costs, please contact us with details for estimates. The carpentry pricing listed refer to the average starting rates for common carpentry works, the most competitive pricing you can find for carpentry service Singapore. However, actual rates will depend on many factors such as the costs of materials, the amount of labor and the complexity of design.
Standard specifications include – Standard laminate finish – White internal PVC – Doors are made with blockboard and ABS trimmings/ edgebands – Casement doors come with generic soft-closing hinges – D drawers come with black full extension tracks
carpentry singapore pricing
 Here is a list of estimated costs for our carpentry works. For other renovation costs, please contact us with details for estimates. The pricing listed refer to the average starting rates for common carpentry works. However, actual rates will depend on many factors such as the costs of materials, the amount of labor and the complexity of design.
Standard specifications include – Standard laminate finish – White internal PVC – Doors are made with blockboard and ABS trimmings/ edgebands – Casement doors come with generic soft-closing hinges – D drawers come with black full extension tracks